Scammer Alert!

On Feb 23, 2016 I received an Email from Wang Yang, (See photos for the body of the email).
When I was reading it, I felt something is wrong. At the back of my mind there is a voice saying do not believe it.
For that reason, I went to google. Of course at first I do not know what to put on the search or the search box of Google. Whatever comes in my mind, I just put it "Yang Wang scam email?". Then voala! It appears a result of emails that shows screenshot that is exactly the same as mine.
I concluded then that it was a SCAM!
So guys, I am sharing this just to raise the awareness about this modus. And you know what I said? I I saw the screenshot result in google, it attatched to my emails and put this body of email saying ...... BACK OFF SCAMMER!  YOU'RE A LEGEND! LOL  GET A LIFE !!!!!  GOLD DIGGER!  WORK! FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE GUYS, DO SOMETHING RIGHTEOUS!  I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS FOR YOU! AND PLEASE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, ASK YOURSELF THIS !!! PLEASE !!!  IS THIS WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO TELL YOUR CHILD?  ARE YOU PROUD OF WHAT YOU'RE DOING?  ARE YOU READY TO GO TO HELL?  WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR GUTS GOING TO BED AT NIGHT AND WAKING UP IN THE MORNING IN FOOLING PEOPLE AROUND?  WHERE DOES YOUR CONSCIENCE GO?  ARE YOU HUMAN? IF YOU ARE, YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW THE WORD "HUMANITY"? ANIMALS ACT LIKE YOU GUYS !!! YEA, ANIMALS! NO FEELINGS. HEARTLESS PEOPLE, OH SORRY, I MEAN ANIMALS!  THE MONEY YOU GET FROM OTHER PEOPLE, THIS IS WHAT YOU USE YOUR KIDS TO BUY FOOD?  LIKE REALLY, SERIOUSLY? WHAT DO YOU SAY TO YOUR KIDS BOUT YOUR WORK? COMPUTER PROGRAMMING? PROGRAMMING OF OTHER PEOPLE'S POSSESSION? WOW! YOUR KID WILL GROW UP AS GOOD LIARS. SO, DO NOT BE SURPRISE IF THEY'LL BE LYING TO YOU TOO. THAT'S NOT SURPRISING!  MY PARENTS BELIEVER, WHATEVER YOU TO FEED YOUR KIDS, THAT IS WHAT THEY'LL BECOME. SO IF YOU FEED THEM GOODS COMING FROM tjis KIND OF STUPID doings, YOUR KIDS WILL BECOME TOO THIS, OR EVEN BETTER!  WHAT IF, KID YOUR RECEIVE SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN THE FUTURE? WHAT IF I AM YOUR KID?  WHAT IF YOUR KID AS I'VE BEEN A VICTIM OF THIS? WHAT THE HELL WILL YOU FEEL HUH?  LIKE DUDE, SERIOUSLY, MAKE UP YOUR MIND! GET A LIFE. GET A JOB. IF YOU'RE CHRISTIAN, GO TO CHURCH, IF NOT, NEVER MIND THIS PART. LOL.  I'M TRYING TO POINT OUT HERE, DUDE CHANGE. YES, CHANGE!  THINGS MAY BE DIFFERENT IF YOU CHANGE, BUT DUDE, NOTHING COMES EASY! :) Okay?  Get a life, make your kid, family, friend and YOURSELF be proud of you at least before you die. You do not know till when you'll live in this world. Do something worthwhile.  I hope I made ​​myself clear? :)  Good thing there is google and good thing you guys are already FAMOUS! AMAZING!  You have to change your strategy lol  People are getting wiser and wiser these days because of you guys. Lol.  I'm sorry, you just found a person who does not trust people that easily! I know how to read people's mind without even talking to them.  Your emails polishing needs to be more believable. : P  Hahahahahahahhaahahhaa  Lastly,  I'LL PRAY FOR YOUR SOUL AND MIND.  I AM STILL HOPING YOU GUYS WILL CHANGE. BE THE CHANGE. YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT'S WAITING TO YOU IN HEAVEN OR IN HELL. :)  I WANT YOU TO REST IN GOOD PLACE IF EVER YOUR LIFE COMES TO AN END, SERIOUSLY. :)  ................................................ ............... Then hit send, of course I did not receive any reply. It is funny if I did right? By the way I am sorry if there is some bad words said on the body of the email I reply to that scammer. I think that people deserve it though. Anyways, google always ask first if you are in doubt. To investigate is not a sin. It is a foolish not knowing what you're supposed to know.


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