Dear Future Husband,

Dear Future Husband,

I don't know who you are. I don't know when will you come into my life. I don't know where will you be coming from. I don't know how you look like. But one thing is for sure, I will wait for you! Yes, I will be waiting for you. I have lifted your life to Jesus even if I have not met you yet. I have prayed for your Spiritual walk to be fruitful. I have prayed for your career to grow and to be stable. I have prayed for your mental, physical and emotional health to be well. When the time is right, I know I'll get a confirmation that all my prayers for you were answered.

I know when I meet you, you will make me realize why all the invested time, effort and emotion I gave to all other men did not work. I know when God brings us together He will be certain on His signs. I know you will be a great Husband and a Father to our future family.

Please know that I will not be expecting you to be perfect and never will I. I know that there will come a time that you will disappoint and hurt me, but don't worry I will fix my eyes on Jesus. And I hope you too. Because no matter how much I love you, there will be a moment that I will still hurt you because we are two imperfect human beings. Let us not forget that in the midst of our union, there is a perfect and merciful God.

I know that I will not be a great wife, but assure that I will always try my best to support you with your goals for our family and cheer you up when you're losing hope and confidence. I will take care of you and will stay at your side until the last breathe of my life. I will submit to your leadership in our family and will always respect you. If disagreements comes on our way, I promise to listen to your point of views and compromise if that is the right thing to do because God says to submit to you and so I will. I will be your wife that will always ask your wants and fulfill your needs in our home in the best possible way I can. I will be a wife that will always be proud of your achievements and will stick with you during your downfall. As your wife, I will honor your parents and other people that is dear to you. As your wife, I will try my best to give you spare time with your friends for you to get the happiness that they can give you on the way that I cannot fulfill. As your wife, the only thing that I hope you would want to do and devote your life is to love God. I'd like you to love God first before me. Love Him more than you love me. Because I believe everything else follows when you are anchored in the love of Christ.

I pray that you would enjoy every Bible study that we will have as a couple and as a family. I pray that we will be able to serve God with all our hearts together with our kids and would spend a great time in our chosen ministry. I pray that we will be able to live joyfully in the presence of the Holy Spirit in our home.

My love, as early as now know that I am rooting for you as the father of our kids. May you be able to instill to their mind, heart and soul that as an earthly father you will be gentle, merciful, understanding, lovable and FUN father to them. I'd like you to teach them and lead them to our Heavenly Father, offer and devote their lives to God. I'd like you to always remember that our kids are not ours. They are God's precious gift to us. We are here to be their servant and steward.

I know my love, we will be great parents to our kids as we indulge them to the Word of God and being able to apply it in our household. My love I am excited to see your first smile of happiness when you see our first born and first tears when you get hurt because of them. Moreover, I am excited to see your tears as you look at me walk down the aisle walking towards you and starting our journey together and making everything come true.

My husband, my love, my sweetheart, my partner in serving God, my leader of the household, my best friend and my God sent, I love you!
I will wait for you no matter how long it takes.
I will no longer damage myself.
I will prepare myself for your arrival.
Thank you for searching and waiting.
Thank you for accepting me wholly.
Thank you for loving and serving God.
Witnessing your love for God gives me an assurance that you will be more than enough for me.
I love you. See you soon, mi amor! My love for you is before I met you, when I met you and until the end of times.

Your Future Wife 


  1. This is a wonderful, sincere post. I respect your honesty.

    Do you maybe have a Skype profile?

    1. Hi There,

      Thanks for reading my blog and find it wonderful. Sorry, I no longer use my Skype for years. I can't remember my credentials anymore.

      Enjoy the rest of my works. Thank you again! God bless


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