To All the Ghost I’ve Met before

Hi There, 

Thank you for coming into my life in an unexpected yet well played game. Thank you for the smile you gave. Thank you for all the times you were there when I was bored and no one to talked to. Thank you for those moments of giving me an idea of how it feels like to be in a relationship. Thank you for the heart melting words you gave to flatter me. Thank you for giving me hope even if it was not true at all. Thank you for making me imagine life with you in a world that will never exist. Thank you for giving me the glimpse of an official relationship. Most especially, thank you for all the lessons you gave that I will surely be able to apply in finding my Mr Right. 

You have taught me that love isn’t earned by sweet words alone. It has to work hand and hand with deeds through the words you speak. You have taught me to value myself by not letting anyone who likes me to have an access to my innermost being easily. You have taught me to be careful in investing my precious time and emotion. I realized that the more I invest to those people who wants me for a short of time just to satisfy their ego will be an hindrance in meeting the right person that God wants for me. You have taught me the value of asking the stand of the relationship as early as possible. I realized that the right person will not lead you on or give you any confusions on where the relationship is leading. You have taught me to involve the community I am in for me to have someone to tell me what is right or wrong if I am already being blinded of the feelings I am putting on you. I realized that being filled with love has a tendency  to make my perception be deceived and won’t be able to discern the righteous thing to do for my own sake. You made me realized that the right person will not make me doubt of my worth as a woman and will always assure me that I am enough no matter what. You showed me my capabilities to love my future man in a way I know how and the way my man would like without any manipulation and deception at all. 

They say, people comes into our lives for a reason and I learned so many lessons from you. Rest assured that I will forever treasure it. I’ll try my very best not to have same mistake I had when I met you. I’ll be careful next time not to be ghosted by anyone like you. This time, I value and love myself more. Thank you for coming and leaving my life with treasured memories I will not forget because they brought lessons. 


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