Unrest Mind and Heart

Dig her thoughts, not her life.
You would extend her life by knowing what’s in her mind.
You would gently kill her knowing her pain she chose to hide.
Unless she do it voluntarily, then you are lucky.

Let her ask, you do the answering.
You may return the question if you would like.
Give her time, do not bug.
Things she is not used to do, gives her anxiety.

She knows the answer most of the time, she just couldn’t deliver.
What triggers her silence is when your words attack her fears.
She speaks out of the things she knew, rarely of what she feels.
You cannot comprehend her unless you feel her.

She is hard to understand for she doesn’t want others to know her well.
Fears of judgement is what keeps her silent.
Past is where she lives and scared to leave it.
Don’t get her wrong for she likes to live long and be free.

Be patient with her as she badly needed it.
Herself begs for her own understanding
She pleads every single day to be peaceful on her own world.
Choosing to be in her world is a chaos.

Her mind is full of unrest thoughts
Unanswered concept is what feeds her mind
If being in her life adds more complication,
She would beg you to leave her alone.
Even if seeing you go make her feel lonely.


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