Battle of Life

No one said life is easy. It needs much courage to live in a kind of life you are expecting to. We all get tired. We all get burned out. But why do we hold on? Why do we keep on fighting? We have to find the answers to that. Someone can live for an unknown reason, but for no reason at all? No, you can not live that way. Come on! If there is, he must have died from the moment he loss his reason for striving. Having oxygen that circulates through your bloodstream does not mean, you are living. No, it does not work that way either. You just exist! You don’t live at all.

You are probably tired of doing the same routine each day. You gotta work your booty if you are scheduled to. After such a long day, you gotta rest that physical embodiment of yours. Through what? Sleep? Sneak at the social media? Scroll up and down until you get to see same posts you’ve seen earlier? Watch that Kdrama or series you have missed? Then, what? Hibernate yourself and get up and do the same thing the next day. If you think of it, it would also make you feel more weary. However, motivate yourself to work! Rest if you must, don’t quit! Spice up your workplace by doing something worthy each day.

You must have digested so much bread when you were still at your mother’s womb that makes you the breadwinner of the family. That is pretty exhausting, I know! You just can’t focus yourself on your own problem, you also have to deal with the knot in the family. You might be asking yourself, “Why do I have to do this for them?”, “When can I have my own life without thinking them?!” Or “How on Earth I am stuck to this?”. Dude, let me tell you this. No one told you to be in that position. You chose to be in that place. And I adore you for that. I cannot deny how frustrating it is to see yourself buying the cheapest stuff while you buy your siblings or parents the things they want regardless of the cost. You are being stingy of yourself and that is freaking tiresome! But, kudos to you! That’s not easy, because of that you probably cry yourself at night when all of them are sleeping. Fight! There are too many bread in the bakery, you’re not alone. Keep winning this game!

Having friends is pretty fun. Laughing with them is awesome. Spending time with them is precious. However, if you are the one who always adjust for their recklessness, evilness and ungodliness? You’ll surely knock yourself out soon! You will get drained thinking of how these people became your friends. You wonder how on Earth you get to be acquainted with them. At the moment, you realized how frustrating it is having them around, you gotta breathe! You would want to spend a day not having them around temporarily. Have a space away from them to expel the negativity around. However, when you’re done calming yourself, go back! Some friends are worth to be pardon. Let them grasp the unwanted traits you have with them and do it with love.

You are lucky enough to have a partner despite how tiresome your life may get. However, not all the time it is gonna be a fairy tale story - not everyday is a happy ending narration. Being in a relationship is a blessing when everything turns out to be always right. In contrast, it is a curse when everything ends unpleasant. It is the most exhausting part of life. Having a partner, is expected to walk with you in this exhausting life, but what if he contributes to make your life more exhausting? Don’t just walk out the door! Nevertheless, you will have to gear up your patience if this arise. Don’t let such moment of weariness put you to the moment of loneliness.

Life has too many aspects that you’ll have to deal with. After dealing with one, you’ll still have a bunch of it waiting for you to deal with them too. You need to have the reason for living. You have to find your purpose. Why on Earth are you here for? You have to ask the One who puts you here. You will have to be connected with Him. You will need to have a source of joy, love, peace, goodness, kindness, patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self control that cannot be consumed. If your source is just the people around you, they will always disappoint you. Believe me, I have been there. It always gives me so much despair. They will never fill in the emptiness you have in your heart. Peace? They cannot give that to you if themselves don’t have that. We can never give something that we don’t have.

I, myself gets tired too. All the time. No moment of my life I don’t cry out for help inside of me. I yell for pardon in this world full of grief inside the chaotic mind of mine. I am burned out being the person who always has to adjust for people who does not deserve the goodness of this world. However, when I think of it Someone has been dealing with me despite of how moody I get when I am exhausted. Who am I to get weary of other when Someone has been so faithful with me? Then, I came to realize I was being selfish for only looking at my own suffering, I forgot that whatever tiredness I may felt, Someone has always felt more than I did.

Folks, getting tired is not a bad thing. It is our body’s reaction when it calls out for rest. Yes, it just needed a rest not to quit. Giving up should never be an option, giving in to Him should be the response. Hold on! There is more to life than this. If you gets tired, get your kneel down, bow your head and call for help. Unlimited call. No registration. His line is open 24/7. He waits for you always.

Matthew 11: 28. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 

Originally Posted on Facebook March 29, 2018


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