Dear, Old Friend

Dear Old Friend, 

You used to be the person I run to. What happened to the friendship we had?
I miss you. Do you miss me too?
I don't think so. You depart yourself from me and it hurts me see you grow and reach your goals, while our relationship slowly disappears.
Your year of existence on earth flies so fast and your existence in my life seems to slowly turn its back on me. I see nothing, but old memories of you. We have not made a new one. Our time together stuck on the past. I can't distinguish whose fault was that. Was it mine? Yours? Or we both have changed?

I miss your laugh. I miss our conversations. I miss how you used to call me in the way no one does. We don't call each other by name. We made ourselves a pet name like couples do. Call me that way again. I miss it!

Old friend, you might have already forgotten me, but I cannot hide the fact that I miss you each time I see your social media accounts.
You are on my list of friends, but seems like we are no longer friends in REAL LIFE.

I pray that you'll continue reaching your goals. Those dreams you hold on to and places you used to tell me you want to visit and those things you have mentioned you want to buy, I hope you will have them all soon!

I am happy to see you in my social media feed full of joy in your smile. Glad that you are happy with your new found friends.

Old friend, whenever you feel like talking and your new friends are not available, just always remember, I am still here. Same as before, as I always say, "I am just one message away and I will try to make you smile when you need one even if I don't have mine."

Your Old Friend Who Misses You So Much

Originally Posted on Facebook March 29, 2018


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