Open letter for my Future Suitor

Hi future suitor,

I am not sure why or what makes you like me at the first place. I know in myself I didn't do something that entice you but thank you for caring and loving me.
I think I have high standards, so if you wanna give up as soon, it is up to you. Anyway, I will let you know as soon as possible if I am not interested.
When you want to win my heart, I have some tips for you.
1. Please don't be stupid. I know in myself I am intelligent and I don't want my future boyfriend to be dull. I am sapiosexual, meaning I find intelligence as the sexiest and most attractive asset of a person. I easily get attracted to a person that is intelligent. I am more attracted to a person if he is more intelligent than me. Making me shut my mouth because he got a good reason that I cannot beat.
2. Please be comfortable if you are with me. Be crazy if you are. Be silly if you want. Be mad if you feel so. Fart if you need to. Be WHO YOU ARE! I don't like being around with the person that is not comfortable being with me. If you feel awkward or nervous being with me, well what you feel towards me is not love, better end the more-than-friends-feeling towards me, and it is totally fine with me. Let us stay as friends! Act like nothing happened. Act like you have not show any affection towards me. That would be cool but kinda awkward at first, yea I know. But that how it works, so be it.
3. Please be creative. Think what the majority of girls like. Well, I am kinda different from other girls but you can ask my friends what I like. Nothing is wrong in asking. Little by little you'll know what I like if you are always with me. Well, some of the things I like are surprises, when I say surprises it doesn't have to be grand and doesn't have to be an expensive things. Just anything that would surprise me. Its gonna be your turn to do some brainstorming for that.
4. Please be patient! Let us be friends first. Just friends! Get to know each other. I don't text much. I am old fashion when it comes to love. Be patient in writing letters. Be patient in writing some poems. Well, still your choice though. I am childish and sometimes rude when it comes to suitors, and those are just my test. How far is your patience can be? I would rather be rude at first and be sweet at later part. Isn't it cute that way?
I guess that was it for me. The rest will be your strategy to win my heart.
Just get to know me first. :)
By the way, you aren't the first to be my suitor, so I am used of being left behind when I am almost falling inlove. If you wanna do that to me, its okay. Again, I am used to it already.
Wish you good luck in courting me! : D

Yours truly,
Sharm A.


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