#Stay #happyhere

Call center. BPO. The line of business that I have never imagined I will get myself into. I was too skeptical of the idea working on a field where most people who don't work on this area, mock about it. I won't deny I was once had a negative feedback about it when I was still in College. I said to myself, "I will never work in a Call Center!", with a huge discrimination, but where I am now? I choked myself with my own words. Now, it feels like I don't want to leave the current company where I am in, which is the Telus International Philippines.

In this company, I have realized that work place can't simply be just a work place alone. It can also be a home - where everyone you work with can be your family. There is in this company that will teach you the value of the Employees. There are lots of reasons why I say that they do value their Employees. One of which is, only Telus is a BPO Company I know supports religious practices/organizations, like SFC (Singles for Christ) and the Fellowship of Christian Community. It is amazing how Telus see the worth of the Spiritual Value of their Employees. I can say that Telus gives a huge contribution to the Employees' personal and spiritual life, not just in their busy work life and financial needs.

Telus International Philippines also value Employees' families. Telus shows it by having a Yearly Family Day. Telus would like also to involve the Families of the Employees' on its activities. In such act, it just denotes that Telus indeed care not just for its Employees', but as well as to their families. Telus even held a Flu Vaccination for Employees' family members which amazed me seeing those babies that are being vaccinated. I don't know any other BPO company who value both their Employees and their Employees' family. How lucky we are to work in Telus International Philippines!

Not to mention, Telus' Friday treats! Everyone loves free goodies, so are we! Telus have lots of those. New hires receive their goodies as well as the current employees. It is an unending free stuff. It is being distributed every once a month. Those stuff that Telus provides are things that are necessary on our daily basis. I don't see any other company who does that regularly. We are such a blessed Employee who saves penny, because instead of buying those stuff, our beloved company provides it for us, for free!

I perceive Telus International Philippines as a Christ-centered, family-oriented and Employee-focus company which entices me to be a better part of it and makes me feel proud and #happyhere to #Stay many more years! Through Telus all my negative perception vanished and replaced by a reasonable views.


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