She judged me

I was judged "aggressive". I smiled. I wander. At the back of my mind, I kept repeating it over and over again. Because I don't know what that is. Is that an adjective fits to describe me?
When I came home, I googled, it says "ready or likely to attack or confront". I wanted to ask more to the person who relay the feedback to me. I wanted to know who was the person said that, but no thanks, we have what we called human instincts. I used that, and I already have an idea who you are GIRL. I wanted to ask for an example scenario when did I became aggressive because that was the very first time I got that feedback. And guess what? We don't even know each other that much, not even a year yet. Are we friends? I hope we are. Are we close? That is what I don't really think so. Does SHE know me, I am sure she don't. Now I totally believe, people who deemed you, are those people who don't know you at all.
Hi girls, thank you for the feedback. I appreciate the idea of you giving me feedback, but the content? I am still processing and authenticating it. I was told, it isn't a big deal for you, so do I. I was told there were only two of you, that is fine. You didn't get the majority numbers of the team. :) By the way, since it isn't a big deal to you at all. You can talk to me. I am open for this kind of conversation, unless you are not.
Are we friends? Yes, we WERE.
Do you know me? No, you don't.
Do I have issues with you? No. Because I don't care about your life, personality and you yourself.
You've hurt me, I didn't say a word. You still have your halo.
I hurt you, I then have a fork, tail and HORN.
Well, that's fine.
I am not born to please you. I am living the life I want for myself not for you.


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